Global Sections: How to add, edit and choose conditions

A conditional section of a website is a part of a web page that displays different content based on specific conditions or criteria.

What is a Global Section?

A Global Section is a block that will be displayed throughout the site, as opposed to individual page content. For example, a Navbar or Footer are Global Sections as they need to be displayed throughout the site.

Themeasy Themes has an Exclusive Global Sections Feature, which treats it conditionally, that is, it allows you to create different sections and choose where they should be displayed. This is very useful when a specific page needs to have a different Navbar, or a notification by Popup, Form, etc. The possibilities are endless.

You can customize the Global Section content with Elementor and add any widget, which makes it even more valuable. Read more about Build Content

If you have imported the Demo Data many ready-made Global Sections will already be available in the list, leaving you to edit where they should be displayed and customize the content.

Adding/Editing a Global Section


Go to Global Sections

From WordPress Panel, go to Your Theme » Global Sections.


Add or Edit

To add a new Section, click on the Add New button, or click on the Edit button in the list of registered sections to edit.


Please note that to adjust the settings you need to click Edit and to build the content Edit With Elementor. These are different options visible in the list.


Display Conditions

Give your Section a title, (just to organize it in the list, this title will not be visible on the site). Choose your conditional display preferences in Global Section Settings.

  • Section Type: Choose the type of Section to add to the site.
  • Display Rules: Select locations where this Section should be displayed.
  • Exclude Rules: Select the places where this Section should be hidden.

Save Changes

Click on the Update button to save the changes.

Customizing a Global Section with Elementor


Go to Global Sections

From WordPress Panel, go to Your Theme » Global Sections.


Edit With Elementor

Choose the Section you want to customize and click Edit with Elementor.

Note that you can simply delete a post from the Global Sections list so that it will not be displayed on your site. This can be useful if you have imported data from the demos and do not want to use them for now.



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